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Do you want to create a personal advisory board but aren’t sure how to do it?  Here are the tools you need to not only create your own personal board but also help you to consider joining the HerPower2 Advisory Circle.  If you need a little extra help along your journey, finding a “friendtor” is the best way keep your momentum going and stay accountable. 

Think about this quote from John Lee Dumas: “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with”.  Do you feel inspired to be your best self when you spend time with friends and colleagues or do you feel like you are in a holding pattern, and not challenged? 

Instead of settling for where you, imagine where you want to be-the most seasoned leaders find it difficult sometimes to carve their path forward.  After interviewing over 75 leaders, one thing is true with all of them-their success was always due in part to a sponsor, coach or advisor. 

So how do leaders find people they know like and trust to help them bold their business and careers?  Imagine your career is like a house, with a foundation, pillars, roof and peak in the roof.  When you build a house, there specific steps you take using a blueprint to cover all details and ensure the strucutre will withstand the test of time.  Your advisory is like that house and if you choose well, the people you surround yourself with, will help you, not just today, but for a span of time way into to the future

Advisory Board Blueprint

Here are the steps you can create to form a powerful advisory board that will help you achieve your goals.

Foundation: Join, Volunteer & Engage 

Join-Find an organization that has like-minded people and go to a meeting or event. 

Volunteer-most organizations have volunteers to help run the organization, find one that offers areas that align with your career goals or help round out an area you don’t do in your day job. 

Engage-start reaching out to people on your volunteer committee and find ways that you can learn more about the organization and how you add value. 

Pillars: Connections, Confidence, Invest in Yourself, Servant Leader 

Connections: Once you are part of an organization, it becomes easier to meet people and start making meaningful relationships.  Look for individuals who might be slightly ahead of where you are in your current role. 

Confidence: Being generous with your time and volunteering boosts confidence.  Members of the organization will take notice of you and appreciate your efforts.  When you feel valued, your self-worth starts to build and you are ready to take on new challenges. 

Invest in Yourself-it is easy for us to put everyone else first.  If you truly want to fast track your progress, find a coach who will help you and add accountability to your goal setting so that you achieve results. 

Servant Leader: Remember to start by offering value first before thinking about what others do for you.  When you show gratitude, and appreciation for the team you are collaborating with whether at work or in a volunteer role, peers and senior leaders will take notice. 

Roof: Personal Advisory Board 

Board Selection: Strive to find people that are one step ahead of you.  Look for areas that you need advice, such as finance, goal setting, marketing, sales, leadership and find individuals that have those qualities.  Now that you are part of an organization, you can look for the right leaders to fill the places you need on your board. 

The Roof Peak: Mastermind 

There are two types of masterminds-recurring groups and one time only occurrence.  Whichever you determine is best for you, it is a great way to get an outsider’s perspective on your current challenge and offer out-of-the-box solutions. 

Mastermind One Time Format: 

A small group of people get together.  There is a facilitator for the group who keeps time for each segment: Situation, Questions, and Solutions.  One by one, each participant explains to the group what one thing they are working on and need help.  Next the group asks questions and then they offer suggestions.  A note taker writes all of the solutions and shares it with the person who is in the “hot seat”.  Depending on the frequency of the mastermind the timing for the three segments vary from 4-6 minutes to 45 minutes to an hour. 

If you are looking to have continued accountability and access to finding solutions, the best way is with a “friendtor”. 

Friendtor– a person who is an accountability partner and cheers you on but also helps you stay on track.  This “friendtor” is someone you can informally go to for advice. 

In this community you will find both advisors and friendtors.  Here is to creating your first Mastermind.